Kubernetes Headtalk

A couple of days ago, I gave another talk at work; this time, about Kubernetes. I tried to make it as high level as possible, focusing on the concepts, instead...

I gave a Talk

A couple of days ago, I gave a talk at work about Linux Containers. The video of that talk has now been posted online, so I’m embedding it here.

Weekend in London

A couple of months ago, I headed down to London for the weekend. I don’t often go to London because its quite far away (5+hrs by train), and I don’t...

One year a Sysadmin

I’ve been working as a Sysadmin for 1 year this week. While my title is Sysadmin, the work we do is a potpourri of multiple different...

Laptop upgrades

My laptop without its clothes on :D I did this a while ago, and can't believe I haven't posted about it sooner....